
I'm older than I look

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hello from Maple Ridge, B.C.

I became a single mother at the peak of Spring 2010. The details are too numerous to mention with the intention of protecting all that were involved.  I have deep respect for my daughter’s genetic background which allows me the luxury to declare “I left the relationship so that she would never have to hear me disrespect her Father again”.  Her father is completely up to date with payments owing to her care.  He loves to hear about her early progress with motor skills so I won’t pop his bubble.

Jumping through the administrative hoops after the breakup was a timely process dealing with the State to acquire subsidy child care, subsidy housing and the ability to stay at home until my daughter is 3 in the Province of B.C.  This involves researching the best places to acquire low cost food deals such as a local food bank, local farmer’s market May to October and the latest deal on diapers.   Everything is second hand from visits to the local thrift store or Craigslist.  I do tend to be a stickler about my daughter’s milk supply because of all the added pharmaceutical products added to conventional milk so I buy organic milk (or milk that says its organic anyway!).  I just drink coconut milk!

I do have a terrific babysitter because I’m human and I need a break to carry out some necessary tasks each week that doesn’t involve my daughter.  My daughter has endured the milestone of departing from me and my sitter which I’m grateful for.   This week I advised her that my daughter wasn’t sleeping through the night .  It just so happened that my sitter was going to the local aquarium and park this week, so thankfully my daughter was extremely tired after a day’s adventure with our sitter and her 2 children.  Thankfully, sleeping through the night proved no issue for her last night thanks to the trip she took to the park yesterday while I did yoga and cleaning.

Cleaning can be an issue because it seems there is just so little time for exclusive cleaning with a little one running around.  Maybe I'm mistaken, but after de-dusting my baby’s room yesterday, I think that took care of the allergy to dust issues she usually gets around dusty bookshelves.

By the way, it’s absolutely essential to have a library subscription when you live 2 blocks away.  The experience is at least a weekly event for us, and an easy way to give my 19 month old a quick boost of exercise.  

Thanks for dropping by! May my stories inspire the uniqueness in your own lives so feel free to share with me in the comments section.

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